Wellington Veterinary Hospital, located in Markham, ON, Canada, offers a full range of services for your canine and feline companions, including dental surgery, spaying and neutering, vaccinations, and more. We have plenty of free parking and convenient operating hours.
Vet Life with Dr. Cliff is a weekly podcast where I discuss common health conditions affecting animals, I answer listener questions, and there is the occasional random rant. It is a fun, honest, and entertaining look into the daily life of a world-traveling veterinarian.
Interested in working at Wellington Veterinary Hospital? Visit our Careers page.
Dr. Cliff Worldwide Vet Documentary

Dr. Cliff Worldwide Vet an award winning documentary, is the story of Dr. Cliff Redford and his daughter's travels to rescue animals in Hyderabad, India.
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Dr. Cliff WorldWide Vet Rescue Missions
In a series of documentaries produced and directed in Canada, join Dr. Cliff on animal rescue missions across the globe where he introduces viewers to the world of veterinary medicine and animal conservation. Prepare to laugh and cry with the good and bad unfolding in real-time. Cliff Redford presents the raw truth without holding back, entertaining you with stories of medical emergencies and educating you with his insights into animal biology. You will come to love the creatures we share the world with and be fascinated by their sheer will to survive seemingly impossible circumstances.
“Viewers will witness a few heart-wrenching stories but also many of incredible compassion towards companion and wild animals alike.”
– Dr. Cliff Redford
View All Rescue MissionsI love this clinic. I have 2 dogs daughters, chihuahua and mix, the chihuahua is epileptic and the mix has separation anxiety. And this people are always so nice to them. My chihuahua epilepsy has been under control and that makes me very happy. The staff is very nice and Cliff is always super professional and honest. I wouldn't change this place and totally recommend it.
Gissel Montero
Pet owners are a curious bunch and always eager to learn more about how to care for their pets. We love the questions you ask us at your appointments! It prompts us to publish new blogs regularly to help any pet owner. We hope you enjoy the latest updates on our Pet Care blog. Feel free to connect if you have a topic you’d like us to write about.
Seasonal Allergies in Dogs
Seasonal allergies in dogs present very differently than in humans, with itchy hives forming on the lower half of their body. They are a lifelong challenge that pet owners must approach proactively. Here's what you need to know.
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Ticks and Lyme Disease in Pets
In Ontario, ticks are most active in the spring and summer. However, they easily come out of hibernation and form swarms when temperatures hover above freezing even for a few days. Consequently, pet owners must remain vigilant about ticks and Lyme Disease year-round.
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Treating Dogs with CBD
Ever since marijuana was legalized in Canada, pet owners have inquired about administering it to their pets. Veterinarians have recently started recommending CBD for certain conditions. While the science behind it is in its infancy, we can make some educated guesses.
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