India Ep. #5: Rescuing Dogs All Day
A full day of dog rescues in Hyderabad and surroundings brings Dr. Cliff to a possible rabies case and another one of animal abuse.
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In a series of documentaries produced and directed in Canada, join Dr. Cliff on animal rescue missions across the globe where he introduces viewers to the world of veterinary medicine and animal conservation. Prepare to laugh and cry with the good and bad unfolding in real-time. Cliff Redford presents the raw truth without holding back, entertaining you with stories of medical emergencies and educating you with his insights into animal biology. You will come to love the creatures we share the world with and be fascinated by their sheer will to survive seemingly impossible circumstances.
“Viewers will witness a few heart-wrenching stories but also many of incredible compassion towards companion and wild animals alike.”
– Dr. Cliff Redford
A full day of dog rescues in Hyderabad and surroundings brings Dr. Cliff to a possible rabies case and another one of animal abuse.
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In Jamaica Ep. 3, Dr. Cliff and his vet techs tend to the neck wounds of a young puppy named Wendy, who had been attacked by a large Pit Bull. The intense day was full of turns, twists and surprises.
Find out More The post: Jamaica Ep. #3: A Dog Named Wendy
Rabies is a preventable disease. But in India, where the stray dog population makes regular vaccinations impossible, it kills more people than anywhere else in the world. Dr. Cliff explores the problem in this informative 5 min video.
Find out More The post: India Ep. #4: Potentially Rabid Canine
In Ep. 2 of The Bat Cave in Jamaica, the crew set out to catch bats so they can examine, measure and document the species. Watch Dr. Cliff handle his first bat as Jan debunks the myth of bats as blood-sucking vampires.
Find out More The post: Jamaica Ep. #2: The Bat Cave
Rhesus monkeys are common part of the urban landscape in Hyderabad, India. In this episode, Dr. Cliff works on the critical injuries sustained by a monkey who had been hit by a car.
Find out More The post: India Ep. #3: Critically Injured Monkey
The Greater Jamaican Funnel Eared Bat is only found in the St. Clair Cave in Jamaica. It's an endangered species with only a few hundred remaining. What's killing them off? Dr. Cliff goes on a trek to find out.
Find out More The post: Jamaica Ep. #1: The Bat Cave
A terrified puppy with a leg injury resists capture while hiding under a car in Hyderabad India. Watch Dr. Cliff and the crew of PFA treat her open paw wound with sugar.
Find out More The post: India Ep.#2: Stray Puppy Rescue
When Dr. Cliff learns of 50+ cats facing homelessness in Thunder Bay, 1400 km away, he undertakes a 36-hour marathon rescue mission that culminated in each one finding a forever home.
Find out More The post: Thunder Bay Cat Rescue
Raccoons rule in the wild in Dr. Cliff’s native province of Ontario, Canada. In this episode, Dr. Cliff ventures out to help a young injured male with porcupine quills in his face.
Find out More The post: Raccoon Rescue
Dr. Redford is incredibly skilled, compassionate, and cares deeply about animals. We were so lucky to have him come to our animal rescue facility, Farmhouse Garden Animal Home, where he helped us treat our cows. We know the animals are in good hands whenever he is caring for them!
Edith Barabash
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